Brite Tanks
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Brite Tanks

What is a Brite Tank?

Brite tanks are key components in the production of beer and are primarily used to clarify and carbonate beer and kombucha. Brite tanks are the final stop in the brewing process after leaving the brewhouse and fermenters. They can also be used for both the storage of finished beer for later canning, bottling, and kegging and as serving vessels allowing unpackaged beer to be poured and served directly from the brite tank.

Brite tanks clarify & carbonate beer, store beer for later kegging, canning or bottling, & allow beer to be served from the brite tank in a taproom.

DEGONG'S brite tanks have earned a reputation as some of the most consistent performing and eye-catching brite tanks to be found anywhere. Our brite tanks will shorten your work day while providing a return on your investment for years to come.

DEGONG standard brite tank includes sight tube, carbonation stone port and front access manway. Stainless steel dimple jackets are utilized on the brite tanks to maximize glycol cooling performance, allowing the brewer to maintain low lagering temperatures. The dedicated temperature controller and glycol solenoid valve are included with each brite tank. 



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