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DEGONG 100lL 200L
100L 200L Pilot Beer Brew Systems
Purpose – Imitation of performance of larger brewing systems, in order to perform tests, demonstrations and to serve educational purposes or occasionally hobbyists.
Batch Size – For the time being, 50 liter to 200 liter.
Brewhouse Design – Steam heated three vessels brew house. The prototype design has a Mash Kettle with a variable speed agitator and steam jackets regulated by temperature controller. Dedicated Mash Pump transfers mash into a Lauter Tun. Single runoff outlet below the false bottom. Sparging through a stationary spray ball. Variable speed rakes and knives.Brew Kettle with multiple steam jackets for controlled and rolling boil. Built-in Whirlpool to separate wort from trub. Single stage Heat Exchanger. Two- or four vessels design is also possible.
Spent grain hatch for moving
Configuration – The brew house comes with at least one cylindroconical temperature controlled fermenter (unitank) and one dish-to-dish temperature controlled bright/lagering tank. More fermenters and bright tanks can be added. Modular design with frames on wheels.
Automation – The system is automated from heating of mashing water to whirlpool. Manual and semi-automatic design available.
Inside of brewing vessels
Aesthetic Design – Vessels are copper clad, arranged in a pleasing manner with pumps, process piping, control panel.
Pricing – Depends on batch size, configuration of brew house, number of tanks, type of cladding and the level of automation.
100L 200L Pilot Beer Brew Systems
Purpose – Imitation of performance of larger brewing systems, in order to perform tests, demonstrations and to serve educational purposes or occasionally hobbyists.
Batch Size – For the time being, 50 liter to 200 liter.
Brewhouse Design – Steam heated three vessels brew house. The prototype design has a Mash Kettle with a variable speed agitator and steam jackets regulated by temperature controller. Dedicated Mash Pump transfers mash into a Lauter Tun. Single runoff outlet below the false bottom. Sparging through a stationary spray ball. Variable speed rakes and knives.Brew Kettle with multiple steam jackets for controlled and rolling boil. Built-in Whirlpool to separate wort from trub. Single stage Heat Exchanger. Two- or four vessels design is also possible.
Spent grain hatch for moving
Configuration – The brew house comes with at least one cylindroconical temperature controlled fermenter (unitank) and one dish-to-dish temperature controlled bright/lagering tank. More fermenters and bright tanks can be added. Modular design with frames on wheels.
Automation – The system is automated from heating of mashing water to whirlpool. Manual and semi-automatic design available.
Inside of brewing vessels
Aesthetic Design – Vessels are copper clad, arranged in a pleasing manner with pumps, process piping, control panel.
Pricing – Depends on batch size, configuration of brew house, number of tanks, type of cladding and the level of automation.