5BBL Customizable Commercial Craft Automatic Stainless Steel Beer Brewery Equipment in Market
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5BBL Customizable Commercial Craft Automatic Stainless Steel Beer Brewery Equipment in Market

Beer saccharifying is one of the most important processes in the preparation of wort. The equipment required is mash tank, lauter tank, boiling tank and whirlpool tank. Of course, in order to improve mashing efficiency, most customers will choose a hot water tank to prepare hot water in advance,which can save time.These tanks can be combined freely, mashing and lautering can be combined into a tank, boiling and whhirpool can be combined into a tank,,,,,and so on.
Control system:
Electric component:
Heating method:

  • DGET

  • 8438400000

Beer saccharifying is one of the most important processes in the preparation of wort. The equipment required is mash tank, lauter tank, boiling tank and whirlpool tank. Of course, in order to improve mashing efficiency, most customers will choose a hot water tank to prepare hot water in advance,which can save time.

5BBl beer mashing system

5BBL Beer brewhouse with mash/lauter tank+boiling/whirlpool tank(Of course we recommend a hot liquid tank)

3-Vessel beer mashing system introduction

These tanks of brewhouse can be combined freely, mashing and lautering can be combined into a tank, boiling and whhirpool can be combined into a tank,,,,,and so on.Let's take the 3 vessels brewhouse as a reference to introduce beer mashig brewhouse(mash/lauter tank+boiling/whirlpool tank+hot water tank)

beer brewing equipment with 3 vessels beer mashing system

5BBL beer brewing equipment with mash/lauter tank+boiling/whirlpool tank+hot water tank

Mash/lauter Tun

  • 304ss Insulated Mash Tun, with low-pressure steam jackets on the bottom and side cylinder of the vessel for fast response boiling. Minimum 100mm Rockwool insulation, with glass top manway.

  • 304ss Milled False Bottom screens for efficient Lautering and runoff of wort.

  • 304ss Mash Mixing Paddle engineered to efficiently mix for consistent mash temperature and step mashing capabilities.

  • Mash Temperature RTD sensor for monitoring internal mash temperature.

  • Sparge Assembly with a temperature gauge to monitor sparge water temperature.

mash lauter tank


Brew Kettle/Whirlpool

  • Vessel interior and exterior are mirror finish. Vessel bottom and cylindrical sides are insulated with 100mm Rockwool insulation, 20” glass top manway.

  • Dual Independent Steam Jackets include bottom steam jacket and cylindrical side steam jacket.

  • Integral Tangential Inlet for optimal whirlpool effect and trub/hop settling.

  • 8” Ventilation Stack Condensation ring, directs condensate outside vessel.

  • RTD Mash Temperature sensor for monitoring internal mash temperature inserts into welded Thermowell on vessel side wall. 

  • Wort Pump with variable speed frequency drive control

  • CIP Tank Spray ball system with dual static spray heads offer an ideal spray pattern for clean in place operations and complete interior vessel coverage. CIP sprayballs and CIP piping are 316ss to assure longevity of system.

brew kettle brewhouse


Hot liquid tank

  • Dished top and bottom jacket.

  • Fully welded steam jackets with rear protruding steam/condensate nipples.

  • Fully TIG welded assembly. Internal welds are smoothed with external welds acid cleaned and re-grained. External welds are stripe buffed.

  • sealed top man door access.

  • Thermo-well installed for your supplied temperature probe.

  • 2” mineral wool insulation with 14 gauge polished stainless steel outer shell.

hot liquid tank


Other necessory component

Pumps: Lautering pump and whirlpooling/castout pump of VFD, HL pump
Piping: Tri-Clamp or DIN standard pre-built
Heat exchanger: 2-step or 1 step, with fittings such as thermometers, venturi aeration unit, etc
Brewhouse control: VFD, switches etc, Automatic Temp. control, etc
Portable CIP cart: with 1 electric immersion Heating caustic tank, automatic Temp. control and 1 pump, etc

mash lauter 

mashing and lautering

Plate heat exchanger

Plate heat exchanger

Raker automatic spent grain removable system of beer mashing lauter tank

Raker automatic spent grain removable system

operation platform of beer brewhouse

Operation Platform


exhibition in Germany

2016 in Nuremberg&2017 in Munich


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Contact us

If you have interest,please get in touch with me freely.

More information from www.pcbrewery.com

kate pc update


Product Inquire



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E-mail: sales@degonget.com
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